Published on March 20, 2023



Contact: Monica Sciuto (831) 622-2756

Communication and Marketing: (831) 625-4505

MONTEREY, CA. — 许多急诊科的病人在经历心理健康危机时会找到更快的治疗方法, 周一新成立的危机稳定部门将提供更加集中的护理途径, March 20 at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula.

专门的空间和受过特殊训练的工作人员是为那些在危机中求助于急诊室的人准备的, but don’t require hospitalization. The goals are to get them specific, brief interventions to manage the crisis, 并帮助确保他们获得所需的服务和支持,使他们能够安全回家.

“处于精神健康危机中的人可能会有自杀的念头, 家庭或生活中难以处理的重大压力源, or concurrent challenges with mental illness and substance use,” said Dr. Veronica Searles Quick, Director of Crisis Psychiatry. “他们通常需要治疗支持,一段时间的喘息,以及一些恢复的空间.”

The Crisis Stabilization Unit is opening in phases, with the first area opening for patients 18 and older. A separate, 毗邻的17岁及以下儿童区计划于5月底开放,部分员工将由Ohana提供, 全球网络赌博平台创新的年轻人心理和行为健康计划.

The unit will benefit patients who meet clinical and safety criteria, 为非精神健康紧急情况腾出急诊室空间和工作人员.

“如果我们能更快地把一个有心理健康问题的病人转移到一个更有治疗性的环境, 这对我们的病人有益,也为急诊部的另一个病人腾出了一张床。. Searles Quick said.

In January, considered a typical month, 146名急诊科病人需要心理健康援助或评估. “Based on the initial evaluation and safety assessment, 这些病人中的许多人本来是适合在新的危机稳定病房接受治疗的,” said Alexandra Keller, Director of Behavioral Health Services for Community Hospital.

Historically, 在危机中去急诊室的人有时要等很长时间才能得到评估和相关支持. 如果确定他们需要住院治疗,等待的时间可能更长. Adults may go to Garden Pavilion, Community Hospital’s inpatient mental health unit, if it’s appropriate

for their needs and a bed is available. For young people, 奥哈纳大学最终将在瑞安牧场校区建立一个住宅单元, but for now, 蒙特利县没有为青少年和儿童提供住宿床位. “在加州某个地方找到可用的空间可能要花上几天时间。. Searles Quick也是奥哈纳的一名儿童和青少年精神病学家.

该单位将配备精神科医生、注册护士和受过心理健康培训的社会工作者. The primary areas — one for young people, one for adults — are open spaces with comfortable reclining chairs, activities, and kitchenettes.

The space was designed with the patients in mind, enabling:

  • Group and individual therapy
  • Clinical consultations
  • Meetings with families
  • Interaction among patients
  • Respite and “quiet rooms”

Adult stays will probably be no longer than 24 hours, while children’s stays may be a bit longer, 家庭成员的积极参与是干预的关键部分. “We hope that this will reduce the need for hospitalization,” Dr. Searles Quick说,“因为这些病人将有时间在治疗空间中恢复.”

该单元是为在危机中来到急诊科的病人设计的, are evaluated there, and meet specific criteria, including:

  • 是否正在经历可以从短期干预中受益的心理健康危机
  • Do not require hospitalization or inpatient treatment
  • Are not violent
  • Do not have advanced dementia

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Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula, established in 1934, 已成长和发展,以直接响应不断变化的医疗保健需求,它所服务的人. Its parent company is Montage Health, 共同努力提供卓越护理和激发对最佳全国网赌正规平台追求的实体的保护伞. 社区医院是一家非营利性的医疗保健机构,拥有220张急症护理病床和28张熟练护理病床, delivering a continuum of care from birth to end of life, and every stage in between. 它通过包括主要医院在内的地点为蒙特利半岛和周边社区提供服务, outpatient facilities, satellite laboratories, a mental health clinic, a short-term skilled nursing facility (Westland House), Hospice of the Central Coast, Montage Wellness Centers, and business offices. 关于蒙特利半岛社区医院的更多信息,请访问